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Study shows seasoned marijuana enthusiasts lack basic Cannabis "as medicine" knowledge

Updated: Feb 25, 2020

A recent January 2020 study compared Cannabis enthusiasts’ knowledge about the risks and effectiveness of Cannabis in treating medical conditions with existing empirical evidence and found that a majority of marijuana activists are very much misinformed.

A group of researchers from the University at Buffalo put nearly 500 people attending a marijuana advocacy event to the test regarding the accuracy of their Cannabis beliefs. The survey revealed that the majority of participants were not only uniformed but often misinformed regarding the medical capabilities of Cannabis and/or its derivatives.

Dr. Bodkin and Mr. Crowley of Blaze Therapeutics aren't surprised by the results of this study.

As concluded by this study, there are several discrepancies between what Cannabis advocates believe about the plant's risks vs. benefits profile and that of the latest medical findings. This is a serious issue because this disconnect between marijuana (Cannabis) advocacy, policies and the lack of scientific evidence may result in unwanted and potentially life-threatening contraindications or side effects.

While there is a significant amount of clinical evidence suggesting that Cannabis derived medicine has a high therapeutic potential for a variety of conditions, it is vital that people understand how important it is to discuss safely implementing CBD and/or other Cannabis therapeutics into a daily regimen with a qualified physician in an attempt to avoid unwanted contraindications and/or side effects.

Responsibly Distributed Cannabis products is one of the most cost effective ways to make sure that the Cannabis derived product that you are consuming is free of harmful levels of heavy metals, pesticides, residual solvents, etc., in addition to being labeled accurately with the appropriate phytocannabinoid concentration(s).

Blaze Therapeutics doesn't just Responsibly Distribute holistic products to the healthcare, rare disease and veteran communities. Blaze Therapeutics has developed and implemented educational programs tailored for healthcare providers, bud tenders, CBD shop technicians, and other industry professionals that do not have a background in science. Blaze Therapeutics has also developed and published the 7th Edition of Blaze Lit, a free educational literary guide on Cannabis and an introduction to Responsibly Distributed products.

Blaze Therapeutics is on a mission to improve the public's access to REAL holistic products and to educate:

  • the public on the realities of the Cannabis product market place;

  • healthcare professionals on the science and pharmacology behind the endocannabinoid system and Cannabis medicine, referencing empirical scientific evidence;

  • the manufacturers and brand owners of Cannabis products on producing products that qualify for Responsible Distribution.


Unfortunately, several recent Cannabis themed conferences, submits, seminars and meet-ups are responsible for the widespread misinformation that is plaguing the Cannabis advocacy industry. This is in large part to event organizers not vetting their speakers, creating an agenda where most presentations, masked by catchy promising titles, are focused solely on selling a specific service or product to attendees.

For those looking to identify which events have a healthy agenda with truly vetted speakers who are dedicated to accurately educating the general public, as opposed to saying anything to sell their services and/or products, a general rule of thumb would be to make sure Blaze Therapeutics is listed to present on the agenda.

Every presentation and workshop hosted by Blaze Therapeutics is focused solely on education. Any services and products provided by Blaze Therapeutics are not pitched to the audience. Blaze Therapeutics believes every person seeking to incorporate Cannabis into their daily regimen should do so under the guidance of their healthcare team. In order to make this goal a reality, Blaze Therapeutics has dedicated resources to selectively attend only the responsible Cannabis events that vet their speakers and share a common interest in providing valuable education to their attendees.

The following are a few of the top upcoming 2020 events where you will be able to find executives of Blaze Therapeutics either attending, and/or presenting on a variety of topics ranging from Cannabis medicine, Responsible Manufacturing & Distribution of Cannabis derived products, CBD for concerned consumers to rare disease patient advocacy and US Veteran advocacy.

  1. February 24, 2020 - Rare Disease Day in New Jersey

  2. March 18-19, 2020 - World Pharma Pricing Market Access & Evidence Congress

  3. May 13-14, 2020 - Cannabis Innovation Summit

  4. April 4, 2020 - Cannabis in Healthcare: Pros & Cons by Columbia University

  5. September 19, 2020 - Sickle Cell Walk in Central Park NY

  6. September 21-23, 2020 - Global Genes Patient Advocacy Summit

This list will be updated as event organizers confirm Blaze Therapeutics' place on the agenda.

Interested in scheduling a sit down with a member of Blaze Therapeutic's executive team? Send an email to

Last updated February 8, 2020

Study Reference:

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